During the tour, you will have a chance to visit twenty historic chambers connected by 2 kilometres of passages. Descend into the mine by a staircase (380 steps) to the 1st level (at a depth of 64 meters) and return to the surface by a lift up the Daniłowicz shaft from the 3rd level (at a depth of 135 meters). The whole tour lasts about 4-5 hours. You will spend around 2 hours in the Salt Mine. If you would like to take photos, you have to buy permission at the entrance to the Chapel of St. Kinga. During this tour, there is no lunch break. If you have bought a student ticket, please do not forget to bring your student card (please do remember that student tickets are only available for people under the age of 25). After your arrival back in Krakow, you will be dropped off at your pick-up point.
During the tour you will have a chance to visit the permanent exhibition and original buildings on the grounds of the Main Camp (Auschwitz) and visit the most important original objects at Birkenau. The whole tour lasts about 7-8 hours. You will spend around 2 hours in the first part of the camp and around 1 hour in the second part. Please do remember that there is no lunch break during the tour. You are allowed to take photos within the Musuem. After your arrival back in Krakow you will be dropped off at your pick up point
Our tour takes you to a place which receives around 5 million visitors a year (including over 150 thousand pilgrims on foot). After arriving at the monastery, we visit the Basilica, which is the main church of the monastery. Then you have a chance to see the 600th-Anniversary Museum and the Treasury. We end our guided tour by visiting the chapel of the miraculous painting of the Black Madonna, which is the embodiment of the attachment to the Cult of Mary so typical of the Catholic faith in Poland. After the tour you have your free time. On the way back we stop at the restaurant settled at the foot of the ruins of ‘Olsztyn’ Castle where you have time for a meal and a chance to admire a magnificent view.
Комфортно, мобильно, удобно. Экскурсия в сопровождении гида, который разговаривает на русском и английском языке.
Транспорт: | Пешеходная экскурсия |
Продолжительность: | 3 часа |
Цена за группу: | 80 EURO |
Количество чел: | 1-50 |
Центр Кракова заполнен историческими достопримечательностями и интересными местами. Наш экскурсовод проведет Вас по Старому городу, покажет замок и кафедральный собор на Вавеле, Вы пройдете улицами Канонича и Гродской прямо к Ягеллонскому университету, который является самым старым высшим учебным заведением Польши. Далее маршрут экскурсии ведет на Рыночную площадь, где можете посетить Мариацкий костел с его великолепным готическим алтарем, созданным Витом Ствошем, а также пройтись по Сукенницам. Экскурсия закончится при оборонных стенах неподалеку от Флорианских ворот и Барбакана.
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